

A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in stocks, bonds, short-term money-market instruments, other securities or assets, or some combination of these investments. The combined holdings the mutual fund owns are known as its portfolio.


Diversification is one of the most important benefits of mutual fund investing as it reduces investment risk of concentration. In simple terms it can be explained through below phrase: Do Not Put All the Eggs in One Basket.Mutual Funds invest in companies across a broad cross-section of industries and sectors. This diversification reduces the risk because seldom do all stocks decline at the same time and in the same proportion. Because of diverse range, the ups and downs of any one security have less effect on the fund’s overall performance. However, though diversification can help reduce the risk and enhance the stability of investment, it does not guarantee loss prevention.

Mutual funds are watched by regulators, settlement house (stock exchange), trustee, auditors and in our case Shariah auditor also. Multiple levels oversee and audit builds trust of investor as it makes investment process very transparent. In addition to this, the Fund also prepares and discloses periodic financial statements, which provide an in-depth review of all the major activities undertaken by the fund over the period.
Mutual Funds keep a team of experienced and skilled professionals for the investment decision making. Team consists of dedicated fund management and investment research team which analyze the performance and prospects of companies and selects suitable investments to achieve the objectives of the fund. The Fund Manager has the experience and resources necessary to follow the markets, select investments, and track their performance.
To induce saving habits in general public, Government of Pakistan has given incentive to investor in form of tax rebate. An investor can claim tax rebate by investing in mutual funds and reducing his tax liability to government. Also, investments held by investors for a period of 48 months or more qualify for exemption from Capital Gains Tax
As a small investor, you may find that it is not possible to buy shares of companies with high share price. Such companies have low share base and high profits as a result investors allocate them higher price. Mutual funds access to pool funds allow to buy securities in market in every price category. Through mutual funds investors can enjoy a diversified portfolio by investing as low as Rs 5,000.
Investors remain occupied with their daily task and find it difficult to follow market on daily basis. Mutual funds on other hand acts on your behalf and monitor your investment on minute to minute basis. Being expert in their area, they are also better equipped to make decision on timely basis.
All Mutual Funds are registered with SECP and they function within the provisions of strict regulations designed to protect the interests of investors. The operations of Mutual Funds are regularly monitored by SECP. In addition to that, mutual funds assets are placed with trustee to further ensure investors asset protection. Shariah compliant mutual funds’ operations are oversight by a renowned Shariah Advisor to ensure the compliance with the Shariah guidelines.


A Mutual Fund is a single portfolio of investments where investors put their money to be managed by an asset management company on behalf of its many investors. This allows each investor access to a professional managed pool of funds.
Fund Manager invests the fund’s capital in profitable avenues and attempt to earn a return for the fund’s investors. The income earned through these investments and the capital appreciation realized is shared by its unit holders in proportion to the number of units owned by them.
The flow chart describes broadly the working of a mutual fund:


Mutual Funds provide various value added services which makes it very easy for investors to manage and track their investments. They can even invest or redeem in mutual fund by just sitting at home through online transactions.
Mutual funds have goal based plans such as Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) and Savings Plans which are convenient for investors to invest and achieve their long term objectives such as kids’ education or marriage.



Liquidity simply means being able to access your money when you need it. With mutual funds you can buy.

Choice Of Schemes

Choice Of Schemes

Mutual funds offer a variety of product schemes to suit your varying needs and financial goals.

Return Potential

Return Potential

Due to their expertise in investment decision making and availability of dedicated resources

Benefits Of Funds

Benefits Of Funds

Benefits of mutual funds"mutual fund"offers especially for individuals who prefer not to be involved